Iran/Iraq Emergency Message #1

In view of the escalating Middle East crisis, now intensified by the US assassination of General Qassem Soleimani, expect additional H-Pad messages with updates on possible action and helpful resources. 

H-PAD Legislative Coordinators:
Carolyn Eisenberg and Prasannan Parthasarathi

The immediate need is to contact your member of Congress, urge them to block any further acts of war by the Trump Administration and demand diplomacy
To reach your Senators and Representatives call the Capitol Switchboard 202 -224-3121
Some resources: 

Oona Hathoway, "The Soleimani Strike Defied the US Constitution

Andrew Bacevich,  Trump’s Suleimaini Strike is More of the Same Old Losing US Game Plan

Triti Parsi, Could Trump’s Credibility Problems Impact Belief of his Iran Assertions

Ervand Abrahmian, Phyllis Bennis, Impact of Suleimani Assassination
Juan Cole, Making America Hated Again