Speakers on Health Care

Oliver Fein, ofein@med.cornell.edu, is available to speak on healthcare.

He is an M.D. at Cornell Medical School. “Dr. Oliver Fein is a general internist with interest and experience in health policy. . . . Dr. Fein’s work has focused on health system delivery reform on both the national and local levels. . . . [His] work has focused on health system delivery reform on both the national and local levels. . . . He is currently Co-Director of the David Rogers Health Policy Colloquium at the New York- Presbyterian Weill Cornell Medical Center . . .” (See: https://weillcornell.org/otfein)

Susan Rogers, rgrsssn@gmail.com, is available to speak on healthcare and racial inequities.

President of Physicians for a National Health Program, Dr. Rogers “is recently retired from Stroger Hospital of Cook County but continues as a volunteer attending hospitalist and internist there. While at Stroger Hospital, she was co-director of medical student programs for the Department of Medicine and received numerous teaching awards from medical students and residents. . . . She is a national board member of Physicians for a National Health Program and a past co-president of Health Care for All Illinois. A recent focus has been Covid and racial inequities . . . Rogers is a Fellow of the American College of Physicians.” (See: web: https://pnhp.org/about/speakers-bureau/susan-rogers/; https://medicareforallexplained.podbean.com/e/covid-and-racial-inequities)

Paul Y. Song, paulysong@gmail.com, is available to speak on healthcare.

He is President of the California Chapter of Physicians for a National Health Program. He “is a physician, progressive activist, and biotechnology chief medical officer. . . . Dr. Song serves as the co-chair for a Campaign for a Healthy California. . . . In addition, Dr. Song serves on the executive board of Physicians for a National Health Program California, People for the American Way, Progressive Democrats of America, Healthcare NOW, The Eisner Pediatric and Women’s Center, and the Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies.” (See: https://www.huffpost.com/author/paul-song)

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