Horace Campbell, hgcampbe@syr.edu, is available to speak on issues of peace and reconstruction in the 21st century, including reparations and reparative claims; US militarism; US wars against liberation movements (especially in Africa); the lies of the Cold War.

Professor of African American Studies and Political Science at Syracuse University, he is a noted international peace and justice scholar and is a US rapporteur for the International Commission of Inquiry against Police Violence, which is compiling a comprehensive report on police killings and maimings in the United States. (See https://www.maxwell.syr.edu/psc/Campbell,_Horace_G_/)

Dan Georgakas, georgakas@hotmail.com, is available to speak on the League of Revolutionary Black Workers, the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), and models for non-authoritarian radical organizing.

Dan Georgakas is an American anarchist poet and historian who specializes in oral history and the American labor movement, best known for the publication Detroit: I Do Mind Dying: A Study in Urban Revolution, which documents African-American radical groups in Detroit during the 1960s and 1970s. (http://dangeorgakas.ag-sites.net/index.htm)

Steven Hahn, steven.hahn@nyu.edu, is available to address political violence in American history, slavery and racism, the Confederacy and its legacies, American empire, the illiberal tradition in American history, the invention of the liberal tradition.

Professor of History at New York University, he is a specialist on the international history of slavery, emancipation, and race, on the construction of American empire, and on the social and political history of the “long nineteenth century” in the U.S. He has written for The Nation and other periodicals. He is author of The Roots of Southern Populism (winner of the Frederick Jackson Turner Award), A Nation under Our Feet: Black Political Struggles in the Rural South from Slavery to the Great Migration (winner of the Pulitzer Prize and Bancroft Prize), and A Nation without Borders: The United States and Its World in an Age of Civil Wars, 1830-1910. (See https://as.nyu.edu/faculty/steven-hahn.html)

Wilbur Miller, wilbur.miller@stonybrook.edu, is available to speak on U.S. social history, police and criminality, Civil War and Reconstruction.

He is a Professor at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. “I became interested in the history of policing when I was an undergraduate at the University of California, Berkeley, during the Free Speech Movement. Observing police behavior then, which seemed quite rough . . . That got me started on a dissertation at Columbia that became my first book, Cops and Bobbies . . . Since then I’ve edited a five-volume encyclopedia, The Social History of Crime and Punishment in America (2012); and currently I’m working on an overview of the history of private policing in the United States.” (See: https://www.stonybrook.edu/commcms/history/people/emeriti/miller.php)

Susan Rogers, rgrsssn@gmail.com, is available to speak on healthcare and racial inequities.

President of Physicians for a National Health Program, Dr. Rogers “is recently retired from Stroger Hospital of Cook County but continues as a volunteer attending hospitalist and internist there. While at Stroger Hospital, she was co-director of medical student programs for the Department of Medicine and received numerous teaching awards from medical students and residents. . . . She is a national board member of Physicians for a National Health Program and a past co-president of Health Care for All Illinois. A recent focus has been Covid and racial inequities . . . Rogers is a Fellow of the American College of Physicians.” (See: web: https://pnhp.org/about/speakers-bureau/susan-rogers/; https://medicareforallexplained.podbean.com/e/covid-and-racial-inequities)

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