Virtual Issues Forums


H-PAD Virtual Issues Forums

Updated: October 7, 2020

Over the next five weeks, Historians for Peace and Democracy (H-PAD) is encouraging members and supporters around the country to organize virtual talks or panels – delivered via Zoom or Skype—on key issues in this election regarding both domestic and foreign policy.

We have created a speakers list of more than thirty prominent historians and activists, who are willing to participate without honoraria in these virtual events—we call these Issues Forums.  The speakers list is below with the name and affiliation of each speaker, links to information about each speaker, topics and areas on which each is willing to present, and a contact email address.

Because time is so short, we are asking you, as a prospective Issues Forum organizer, to contact speakers on the list directly by email to discuss the event you have in mind, its date and time, and its logistics. We (the H-PAD Steering Committee) would, though, appreciate a note when an Issue Forum is set up, and a brief sum-up after one occurs.

As recent experience has shown, one great advantage of life on Zoom is that virtual events are much simpler and quicker to arrange than face-to-face sessions on campus or in the community.  During the coming month when the eyes of students and others are increasingly focused on the election, we have an opportunity to do valuable educational work around the critical issues of our time.

To raise questions or make suggestions, please contact us at (Rusti) or at (Andor).

Thanks and solidarity, Rusti Eisenberg and Andor Skotnes
For the H-PAD Steering Committee, September 29, 2020

Virtual Issues Forums Speaker List: