Historians for Peace
View in browser Dear HPAD members, This is a reminder that we will be hosting an open Zoom meeting this Wednesday December 4, at 7pm Eastern, 6pm Central, 5pm Mountain, 4pm Pacific. We will address the questions: What is the way forward in 2025, and what role should historians play? If you have not done so already,…
View in browser Links to Recent Articles of Interest “When Does Power Concede? Thwarting MAGA Will Take More than Protest and Symbolic Resistance” By Van Gosse, The Nation, posted November 19 On the mixed history of “states’ rights” in the US, evoking the legacy of northern resistance to fugitive slave laws before the Civil War…
HPAD members, Netanyahu Arriving in DC Today! Our Voices Needed! The crisis in Gaza and the West Bank continues, although eclipsed by election news. Netanyahu is arriving in Washington today and will meet with a now weakened President Biden. In a disgraceful development, leaders of the House and Senate (including Hakeem Jeffries and Chuck Schumer)…
Links to Recent Articles of Interest “The Regional Origins of America’s First Comprehensive Immigration Law” By Devin E. Naar, Made by History – Time, posted July 6 On the background of the Immigration Restriction Act of 1924 and its author, Rep. Albert Johnson (R-Wash). “Even as the primary targets of immigration restrictionism…
HPAD members, The Israel Palestine Working Group of Historians for Peace and Democracy has produced a new video titled Stand Against AIPAC. The video contains slides about The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and its influence over US politics. This is especially pressing information as Netanyahu’s visit to Congress on the 24…
Responding to President Biden’s ambiguous threat to cut off weapons to Israel, if its military proceeded with the offensive in Rafah, House Republicans have introduced a bill to block Biden from freezing arms transfers. If passed, this would be an unprecedented attempt by Congress to prevent human rights from even being considered in weapons transfers. This…
Links to Recent Articles of Interest “In Harvard Yard” By Walter Johnson, New York Review of Books, posted May 8 A complex account of the dynamics of the pro-Palestinian encampment that began April 24 at Harvard University and the administration’s response to it. The author teaches African and African American Studies at Harvard. “Why I’m Not Calling the Police…
Links to Recent Articles of Interest “Israeli Massacres Continue in Gaza as Returnees to North Are Targeted and Refugee Camp Is Bombed” By Juan Cole, Informed Comment, posted April 15 A reminder of the ongoing collective punishment in Gaza amid media focus on Israel-Iran tensions. The author teaches Middle East history at the University of…
Note: Carolyn “Rusti” Eisenberg, author of one of the articles in the following list and a longtime Steering Committee member of H-PAD and its predecessor, Historians Against the War, has been announced as a winner of the prestigious Bancroft Prize awarded annually by the Organization of American Historians. The award is for her book Fire…
Legislative Alert: Preserve UNRWA Funding ! Despite the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, the Biden Administration has cut off funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency ( UNRWA,) the primary organization carrying out relief inside Gaza. Representatives Raskin, Carson and Jayapal are circulating a Congressional letter calling for the preservation of that funding. Listed below…