Below you’ll find an archive of all urgent alerts sent out by members of our legislative working group. You can use the search bar to find specific announcements, or scroll down to view by date. If you’re unsure how to contact your representative, use this tool:
Action Alert! Netanyahu Arriving in DC Today! Our Voices Needed!
HPAD members, Netanyahu Arriving in DC Today! Our Voices Needed! The crisis in Gaza and the West Bank continues, although eclipsed by election news. Netanyahu is arriving in Washington today and will meet with a now weakened President Biden. In a disgraceful development, leaders of the House and Senate (including…
On Gaza : Urgent Phone Calls needed Today!
Responding to President Biden’s ambiguous threat to cut off weapons to Israel, if its military proceeded with the offensive in Rafah, House Republicans have introduced a bill to block Biden from freezing arms transfers. If passed, this would be an unprecedented attempt by Congress to prevent human rights from even being…
Save UNRWA Funding Call 202-224-3121
Legislative Alert: Preserve UNRWA Funding ! Despite the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, the Biden Administration has cut off funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency ( UNRWA,) the primary organization carrying out relief inside Gaza. Representatives Raskin, Carson and Jayapal are circulating a Congressional letter calling for the preservation…
Legislative Alert: Preserve UNRWA Funding
Legislative Alert: Preserve UNRWA Funding ! Despite the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, the Biden Administration has cut off funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency ( UNRWA,) the primary organization carrying out relief inside Gaza. Representatives Raskin, Carson and Jayapal are circulating a Congressional letter calling for the…
Urgent: Upcoming House Vote on Military Aid to Israel
In the next day or two, the House of Representatives will be voting on a bill which gives $17.6 billion in additional military aid to Israel. Granting Israel another huge gift of money for weapons at a time when its military is massacring Palestinian civilians is beyond horrific. Dissenting voices are urgently…
Please sign this scholars’ letter to President Biden!
HPAD members & supporters, This letter to President Biden urges immediate action on Gaza, and we hope all of our supporters with an academic affiliation (e.g. an “.edu” email) will sign and forward to colleagues. It closes February 7–no time to lose! Margaret Power and Van Gosse, H-PAD Co-Chairs
TIME SENSITIVE: Call your Senators Today to Vote for Sanders Resolution
TIME SENSITIVE : CALL YOUR SENATORS TODAY! Senator Bernie Sanders has called the Israeli bombardment of Gaza a “mass atrocity . . . being done with bombs and equipment produced and provided by the United States and heavily subsidized by American taxpayers.” The Senator recently introduced S. Res. 504 mandating the Biden Administration…
Contacting Congress is More Urgent Than Ever!!!
Contacting Congress is More Urgent Than Ever! Within 24 hours of the American veto of a UN Ceasefire Resolution, Israel was accelerating its air attack on southern Gaza, where they had previously told people to seek safety. Thousands of children have been killed, and tens of thousands are dying of…